Dupont Construction & Remodeling

7012 Humber Trl NE
North Branch, MN 55056 763-753-9796



Consumer Ratings for Dupont Construction & Remodeling — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Dupont Construction & Remodeling

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Consumer from Prior Lake, MN
Apr 29, 2024
Not Recommended
Overall bad experience, we are still trying to get them to come back and fix things. Very high price for very poor quality work. Not the company that was reflected in other reviews at all. Would never recommend them to anyone. Can provide details if interested.
Consumer from Maple Grove, MN
Oct 29, 2020
Communication with the office during the quotation process was seamless and effective, which is a big reason I chose them. However the crew that did the actual demo of the old deck and built the new one was very difficult to communicate with, gruff and distant. As a result there were several misunderstandings during construction. Also, some simple mistakes on their part led to a failed first inspection. The crew had to make modifications and we had to get the inspector back a second time. Considering the price we paid, this experience was less than satisfying.