Vine Dahlen

3500 188th St SW #322
Lynnwood, WA 98037 425-771-6055



Consumer Ratings for Vine Dahlen — 17 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Vine Dahlen

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Consumer from NEWCASTLE, WA
May 22, 2024
Not Recommended
I have used Vine Dahlen for nearly ten years, and they have always been expensive but would fix their mistakes as I caught them in reviewing their drafts for my return, and they in prior years did not charge extra cost to fix their mistakes on top of what it took to generate the draft. However, this year they charged 20% more to the cost to prepare the draft, to fix their mistakes to the draft. I would not recommend and consider this their cost due to their mistakes but they don't see it the same way.
Consumer from Seattle, WA
Feb 22, 2023
Consumer from Newcastle, WA
Feb 15, 2022

...and 14 more consumer comments for Vine Dahlen