Avi Decorative Painting

PO Box 51551
Palo Alto, CA 94303 650-329-0770



Consumer Ratings for Avi Decorative Painting — 23 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Letting you know cost early
Neatness of work
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Avi Decorative Painting

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Consumer from Palo Alto, CA
Sep 09, 2021
Interior painting of a 1911 2,000 square foot house in Professorvile. Excellent work, completed on schedule. Attention to detail including patching of many cracks in walls. Pleasant to work with. Highly recommended.
Consumer from Emerald Hills, CA
Nov 03, 2020
Avi, the company owner was present on the job everyday while painting the exterior of my house. He communicated every morning to let us know what to expect and to make sure there were no outstanding issues. Avi is fastidious and hovers around making sure every part of the job is done well. The prep work was exceptional. I would use him again gladly. Price was in the middle of the bids we solicited.
Consumer from Atherton, CA
Oct 27, 2020
Avi painted the exterior of our home last year, including doing some repair work on dry rot and other things first. He was a delight to work with and the work was beautifully done. If it weren’t for the pandemic, I would have already hired him again to do the interior.

...and 20 more consumer comments for Avi Decorative Painting