Muegge Baldi Hardcastle

747 5th St
Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-544-9510



Consumer Ratings for Muegge Baldi Hardcastle — 3 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Muegge Baldi Hardcastle

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Consumer from Santa Rosa, CA
Feb 20, 2023
all of my questions were answered quickly and explained.
Consumer from Windsor, CA
May 25, 2020
We were trying to get our Tax Return prepared and e-filed right as the Shelter in Place orders were being issued in our county. My tax preparer called me in the evening from home and asked some follow-up questions to make sure we weren't over-reporting income. The office mailed our completed return priority mail and we were able to return the forms to e-file as quickly as if everything were open as normal.
Consumer from Santa Rosa, CA
Feb 09, 2018