Guitar Center

143 Skokie Valley Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035 847-579-1830



Consumer Ratings for Guitar Center — 9 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Advice on choice and use of products
Staff attitudes/atmosphere
Reliability (standing behind products, delivering on time, etc.)
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Guitar Center

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Consumer from Skokie, IL
Dec 30, 2023
Great variety of instruments. They let you test out any of them right there. They'll make recommendations. A few of the staff have pretty condescending attitudes when dealing with someone like myself who doesn't necessarily know everything about every instrument they sell.
Consumer from Waukegan, IL
Dec 28, 2023
I rent my son's violins (as he keeps growing) here for his school orchestra, and once he reaches full size, we know to buy his Violin from here! He also takes Electric Guitar lessons here.. and the music instructors are lovely people! My son wants to try all sorts of instruments.. and here, he can! The fact he can take lessons with so many different instruments outside of school really gives him room to explore! I also came here back when I was in percussion and then a drummer in school myself! We have no inclination to search for other instrument stores or for lessons outside of school!
Consumer from Waukegan, IL
Dec 27, 2023

...and 6 more consumer comments for Guitar Center