Atlantic Glass & MIrrors

2138 Priest Bridge Ct #19
Crofton, MD 21114 410-451-4434



Consumer Ratings for Atlantic Glass & MIrrors — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Atlantic Glass & MIrrors

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Consumer from BOWIE, MD
Aug 18, 2015
Having never dealt with needing a windshield replaced, I called my Honda Dealer where I get most of my service done. They said they didn't do glass repair or replacements and instead of having me come in and calling in their company, they gave me the number for who they use, Atlantic Glass and Mirrors. I called, they took my number while looking to see if they had my windshield, called me back and then entertained several more of my calls when I asked more information which I hadn't thought to ask before. They came to my house for the appointment time and quickly took care of the windshield replacement. They arrived and left within 45 minutes. A week later, I haven't had any issues with the new windshield.