Denny Contracting

506 Shaw Rd Ste 304
Sterling, VA 20166 571-220-1628



Consumer Ratings for Denny Contracting — 1 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Doing service properly on first try
Advice on service options and costs
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Denny Contracting

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Consumer from Reston, VA
Jul 02, 2023
Not Recommended
I see they changed their name from Denny & Gardner since I engaged them. Here is an incomplete list of what went wrong - all at the price of $60K for a small kitchen; mis-measured the kitchen, the sink is not centered on the window, placed a lazy-Susan in corner with a door so small as to make it unusable, placed the refrigerator in the least aesthetically pleasing location ( I had them move it), ordered the wrong number of cabinets, did not plan for microwave space in a cabinet, lower cabinets are builder-grade even though I paid for Moser cabinets, was unable to source the floor - grey and white tiles: I found them not their kitchen planner", started to mis-lay the floor but I caught the workman in time to have it corrected, placed the island 6 inched too close to a wall, making seating difficult to use, took 7 months and not 3 as promised. I will stop there.