Snider's Super Foods

Prices for Snider's Super Foods

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How store's overall prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's produce prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's meat prices compare to the average what is this?
How store's prices compare to the average when we substituted the cheapest items in place of national brands what is this?

Consumer Ratings for Snider's Super Foods — 99 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated store "superior" for: | = average for all grocery stores & delivery services
Overall quality what is this?
Quality of fresh produce what is this?
Quality of meats what is this?
Variety of fresh produce what is this?
Variety of other products what is this?
Keeping things in stock what is this?
Convenience of store layout what is this?
Ease of finding prices what is this?
Speed of checkout what is this?
Staff helpfulness/pleasantness what is this?
Parking what is this?
Help loading car what is this?

Areas With Store Locations by Snider's Super Foods:

  • Montgomery Co.

Consumer Comments for Snider's Super Foods

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Consumer from Silver Spring, MD
Feb 25, 2024
Have seen some changes in selection since the original owners sold the store, but most changes have been positive. The deli counter isn't as interesting as it used to be, though, as they now offer the same products that other stores do rather than curating their own selection. That's where I've seen the biggest change. Otherwise, this is still a neighborhood gem.
Consumer from Silver Spring, MD
Oct 30, 2023
This was my go-to local grocer for years, but since it has changed hands things have just not kept up with its reputation. Quality of meats is lower, as is general appearance of the store. Prices, however, are astoundingly high. Expect it is tough to compete in this market, but when I am paying 1/3 more for common items I just find myself going elsewhere, sadly. Recommend for convenience, but overall can't recommend due to prices.
Consumer from Albuquerque, NM
Oct 23, 2023
The only negative is that prices can be high.

...and 60 more consumer comments for Snider's Super Foods