
6010 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-861-7676
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Bachman's

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Consumer Ratings for Bachman's — 322 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all garden centers
Overall quality what is this?
Advice on choice and use of products what is this?
Quality of products what is this?
Variety of products what is this?
Ease of looking at/testing products what is this?
Reliability what is this?

Consumer Comments for Bachman's

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Consumer from MINNEAPOLIS, MN
May 01, 2024
Huge selection of all flowers and gardening supplies; plants, bulbs, hardware, for garden and home. Very knowledgeable staff, great for getting advice on everything related to gardening. They also have a great deli restaurant that is covered like a greenhouse but feels like an outdoor patio at some travel destination.
Consumer from Mound, MN
Dec 31, 2023
Plenty of variety in products. Finding help can be somewhat challenging, but also understandable as it's a very busy store.
Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
Dec 26, 2023
They have a great selection. Staff is knowledgeable

...and 21 more consumer comments for Bachman's