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We have fence builder ratings for these seven metro areas.
Where to Shop for Plants

Where to Shop for Plants

Since most garden centers buy—rather than raise—most of what they sell, there is room for tremendous variation in buying standards and the quality of plants being sold. The opinions we collected from consumers on garden centers reflect these big differences.

Where to Find the Best Prices for Plants

Where to Find the Best Prices for Plants

Our undercover shoppers found huge price variation among garden centers—perhaps more than in any other subject we cover. Unfortunately, we found the lowest prices at big chains, which receive poor ratings from their customers.

Plotting Your Course for Plant Purchases

Plotting Your Course for Plant Purchases

Make like an HGTV star and do a rough drawing showing your house, other structures, property lines, and desired plants. Get guidelines and ideas from gardening websites, friends with attractive outdoor spaces, and experts.

Selecting a Lawn Care Service

Selecting a Lawn Care Service

Kermit the Frog once crooned “It’s Not Easy Being Green.” If you have a lawn, you can relate: It’s not easy keeping things green. Here's how to plot a course, whether you call in the pros or go it alone.

Do Lawn Care Services Know What They're Doing?

Do Lawn Care Services Know What They're Doing?

The proposals Checkbook's undercover shoppers get from lawn care services rarely agree on identification of weed species, presence of disease, need to correct soil acidity, and recommendations on core aeration.

What Do Lawn Care Services Do?

What Do Lawn Care Services Do?

Lawn care services work with different products and techniques, but the results they promise are similar. Companies usually offer customers a selection of “packages” that include specified treatment plans to take place over the course of a year.