Middlesex Auto Body

8 Harrison St
Natick, MA 01760 508-653-7510
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO

Prices for Middlesex Auto Body

Checkbook's price comparison score what is this?
Shop's hourly labor rate for body repair work

Consumer Ratings for Middlesex Auto Body — 15 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all auto body shops
Doing work properly what is this?
Starting and completing work promptly what is this?
Letting you know cost early what is this?
Advice on service options and costs what is this?
Overall quality what is this?
Overall quality: percent who rated shop "adequate" or "superior" what is this?

Consumer Comments for Middlesex Auto Body

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Consumer from Framingham, MA
May 04, 2022
My main annoyance was how long they took, but I think this was not limited to them. (I checked and couldn;t find a faster turnaround.) Otherwise, they were as easy to deal with as I could have hoped for and did an excellent job.
Consumer from NATICK, MA
Sep 17, 2015
Excellent service and very nice to deal with. Very professional. Recommend w/o reservations.