Computer Maven

5600 Moraga Ave
Piedmont, CA 94611 510-304-0615



Consumer Ratings for Computer Maven — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Computer Maven

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Consumer from Berkeley, CA
Jun 18, 2022
Not Recommended
This will have to go under "community advice," or something other than actual businesses being rated. Ralph, the "Computer Maven" comes up when you look for someone to do house/home-office calls for various computer services in the SF East Bay Area. I wanted someone to save me the time & headache of transferring/copying apps & files from one office laptop to another. One app I did want transferred was an OEM Office 2013. He said he could absolutely do this - which made his $195 per hour, with an estimate of 2 hours to do the job, acceptable - as a new Office Suite (I don't use 365) was >$200, & I could use Linux on the old laptop. Looking in, at the 2 hour mark, to see how he was doing, I realized that, I couldn't stop him, or I'd never unweave the horrible jumble-pie of things already done at that point. 6 hours later, he "finished." I paid him an exorbitant amount , closed the door. beat my head against the desk, and have been trying to repair damages to apps that don't work, programs that don't recognize me, and odd file prefixes. I foolishly trusted him because we were both UCB graduates & had each worked on the old punch card reading computer that took up an entire, huge basement on campus in the 1960's. Unfortunately, he had not progressed into the 21st century with his cyber skills - 20th, maybe, but certainly not current. Don't hire Ralph. He's an OK guy, but he can't do it.
Consumer from BERKELEY, CA
Apr 22, 2016
Not cheap, but did a thorough job getting rid of malware & cleaning out junk files.