Nicole Cole

9909 Ashmeade Ct
Fredericksburg, MD 22407 301-322-8104



Consumer Ratings for Nicole Cole — 2 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for:
Giving helpful advice
Doing work properly
Overall quality

Consumer Comments for Nicole Cole

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Consumer from Washington, DC
Nov 28, 2017
Nicole moved to the Fredericksburg, VA area a few years ago, but she still handles clients in the DC Metro area. Nicole is very thorough and caring and she wants to grow your money to be tax free. Despite living about 2 hours away, Nicole is very accessible through phone calls, emails and go-to meetings. She also will visit the DC Metro area at least once a year to meet with clients in person to review their portfolios.
Consumer from WASHINGTON, DC
Dec 06, 2014
Fees are based on your household income and they have almost doubled in the last year so that must be taken into consideration. But I think it is worth the cost to have someone who is looking out for your best financial interest.