From an early age, teach your pet to get along with other people. (Obedience training helps.) If your pet hasn’t yet stayed overnight in a kennel, or if you’re trying out an unfamiliar facility, do a trial stay; many kennels will require it.

Before your trip, make sure your pet gets all appropriate vaccinations. Click here for ratings and advice to help you find a good vet bet.

At check-in, make sure the kennel knows how to reach you or someone else who can make decisions about your pet. Provide your vet’s name and phone number. If your pet is taking any medications, bring an adequate supply, along with written instructions. If your pet needs a certain kind of food or other special treatment, leave written instructions and any needed supplies (and be prepared to pay extra).

Discuss any unusual health conditions or personality traits (such as climbing fences or biting), and mention any special fears (thunder, rain, sirens). Finally, don’t exhibit a lot of emotion; your pet will sense it and get even more upset than it otherwise might. If possible, leave while your pet is still in the reception area, so it will know you are gone when it is taken to its quarters.

After you pick up your pet, don’t feed it for several hours. If your dog is thirsty, give it some crushed ice. In the excitement of seeing you, a dog is likely to eat and drink too much, resulting in digestion problems.

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