Here are a few basic steps to follow in dealing with whatever shop you choose—

  • If possible, discuss the job directly with the repairperson to convey the quality you expect and evaluate what you think they can deliver.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of different materials.
  • If you want anything other than basic resoling or re-heeling, put it in writing. This gives the shop a memory refresher when the work starts, and if they send your kicks out, it’s the best way to get your wish list to the person actually performing the work.
  • Get a repair ticket that shows the price.
  • Check the shoes carefully when you get them back. If possible, try them on before leaving the shop. If the quality is not up to snuff, insist the shop make the shoes right or give you a refund.
  • Pay by credit card. The federal Fair Credit Billing Act and the policies of credit card issuers allow you to refuse payment for unsatisfactory work. Getting a refund of repair costs will be of little consolation if the shop loses your shoes or ruins them, but something is better than nothing.

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