Factor Appliance

451 N Hungerford Dr #119-212
Rockville, MD 20850 301-300-8006
Checkbook's Top Rating
Quality NO
Price NO**

Prices for Factor Appliance

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Consumer Ratings for Factor Appliance — 92 Ratings

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Percent of customers who rated service "superior" for: | = average for all appliance repair services
Doing work properly what is this?
Starting and completing work promptly what is this?
Letting you know cost early what is this?
Overall quality what is this?
Overall quality: percent who rated company "adequate" or "superior" what is this?

Complaints for Factor Appliance

Number of complaints with local government consumer agencies
Number of complaints with BBB

Areas Served by Factor Appliance:

  • Montgomery Co.

Types of appliances company repairs:

  • Electric dryers
  • Electric ranges
  • Freezers
  • Gas dryers
  • Gas ranges
  • Dishwashers
  • Refrigerators
  • Washing machines

Consumer Comments for Factor Appliance

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Consumer from DARNESTOWN, MD
Aug 01, 2024
We used Factor to repair our GE Monogram side by side refrigerator which was accumulating water in the bottom of the refrigerator side. We were able to arrange for a quick appointment, during which the technician determined the cause of the problem and identified the part needed to fix it. He returned with the part the next day and the repair was complete. Very pleasant to deal with and very reasonably priced.
Consumer from Rockville, MD
Feb 11, 2024
On a recent visit, the technician told us we did not need any replacement parts for our electric range. We appreciated his honesty.
Consumer from Rockville, MD
Oct 28, 2023
I called Factor Appliance Repair to book an appointment to repair our Samsung refrigerator, which was working fine but displayed a C5 service code alert for more than a week. We booked Factor to come out, because its web site specifically stated it did repairs on Samsung refrigerators. Bottom line -- the tech could not repair it or clear the error code, and he managed to break a piece of a plastic shelf support peg t (and did not mention it to us -- I saw it on the counter and was unsure what it was, so I brought it to his attention; he had no comment and just tossed it in the trash). We were left with a wobbly shelf. He completely misdiagnosed the problem, stating it was a "sealed system leak" and that only Samsung could fix it, especially because it might be covered under one of the warranties. He failed to put the shelves back into the refrigerator, leaving it to us to handle after he left, at which point we ascertained that the broken plastic peg was necessary to stabilize a shelf. I called Samsung and booked an appointment for them to come out, and during the one week wait time, the C5 code disappeared and a normal digital display returned. As the refrigerator never stopped working, it was simply a question of clearing the code alert, which Factor was unable to do. The $80 service fee was not waived nor refunded to me, even though Factor's web site ways the $80 fee is waived if customer agrees to have the appliance fixed. Since they couldn't fix or clear the digital code alert, or determine any underlying problem (and also misdiagnosed the problem), I shouldn't have been charged anything. I cannot recommend Factor Appliance for working on Samsung refrigerators.

...and 32 more consumer comments for Factor Appliance