Dr. Anjana M. Dhar

10301 Georgia Ave #301
Silver Spring, MD 20902
By Doctors: ?
By Patients:


  • Family Practice
  • Internal Medicine
  • Primary Care

Board Certifications:


Medical School:

No Data

Consumers' CHECKBOOK Ratings for Dr. Anjana M. Dhar — 25 Ratings

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Percent of patients who rated physician's practice "very good" or "excellent" on our survey for: | = average for all doctors
Overall quality what is this?
Listening to/communicating with you what is this?
Personal manner (courtesy, respect, sensitivity, friendliness) what is this?
Spending enough time with you what is this?
Seeking your input in making decisions what is this?
Coordinating your care what is this?
Giving prevention/self-help advice what is this?
Thoroughness, carefulness, and apparent competence what is this?
Arranging to see you quickly when you request what is this?
Giving timely, helpful advice by phone or e-mail what is this?
Keeping down office waiting time what is this?

Consumer Comments for Dr. Anjana M. Dhar

Register here and see full info on Dr. Anjana M. Dhar , FREE.
Consumer from SILVER SPRING, MD
Apr 16, 2024
Dr. Dhar spends as much time as necessary with each patient. She carefully explains her diagnosis and her recommendations and provides a written summary of the visit before you leave.
Consumer from Silver Spring, MD
Oct 21, 2023
Often seems rushed, probably not her fault, but especially during physicals
Consumer from Silver Spring, MD
May 09, 2018
Dr. Dhar is a caring & competent physician, but her inattentive & lax staff are totally inadequate. In January, I saw her for a pre-op exam prior to knee surgery. She completed the required tests, assuring me that the results would be promptly faxed to the medical facility where the procedure would take place the following week. The next Monday AND Tuesday, my surgeon's office AND the medical facility called me & Dr. Dhar's office many times as they had not received the test results; if they were not received ASAP, the procedure would be canceled! My surgeon called & told me to get to the facility by 7:30 AM the next day, HOPING that the fax would have arrived by then! When I got there next day, a nurse told me that the critical fax had JUST arrived (at 7 AM)! Weeks later, I sent Dr. Dhar a letter detailing this incident. One of her assistants called me to discuss it. Since my letter had been addressed to Dr. Dhar, I was surprised that someone else had read (& perhaps had opened) it. Then I checked Dr. Dhar's ratings. Most agreed that she was a fine physician, but that her staff was "deplorable... We were happy with her, but never with her office staff. They are rude, abrupt and do not follow through on prescription refills."

...and 3 more consumer comments for Dr. Anjana M. Dhar

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