Wolter, Diane L.

11441 Osage St NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55433763-757-6600
For Quality:
For Price:
  • 18 ratings
  • 100% gave a "superior" overall rating
  • $ - Prices 8% lower than average
  • "I had a cavity on a wisdom tooth and was told surgery was in order. I REALLY did not want to have a..."
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Consumer Ratings for Wolter, Diane L. — 18 Ratings

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Percent of patients who rated dentist "superior" for: | = average for all dentists
Overall care what is this?
Arranging an appointment quickly when needed what is this?
Keeping down time in waiting room and delays in chair what is this?
Explaining and checking prevention methods (flossing, brushing, etc.) what is this?
Asking about symptoms or problems you may have what is this?
Discussing diagnosis, treatment options, and costs what is this?
Being gentle what is this?
Producing the results you expect what is this?

Fees for Wolter, Diane L.

Price comparison score

Consumer Comments for Wolter, Diane L.

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Consumer from Minneapolis, MN
May 23, 2019
I had a cavity on a wisdom tooth and was told surgery was in order. I REALLY did not want to have a wisdom tooth removed at my age..over 70...and though this was the 2nd time I'd heard I needed the extraction, I practically pleaded with Dr Wolter to just do a filling. The cavity was in a very difficult place to access but bless her heart, she said she'd try. She numbed the area completely, and with her very competent assistant, worked for an hour on a large cavity at the gumline. I couldn't believe it when they started to clean up. Everything had gone perfectly, and even later when the novacaine wore off, the discomfort was minimal. The salt water swishes she advised worked well as I healed up within a few days. Prior to this visit, I'd only seen Dr Wolter once, to replace an old crown that had fallen off. (I'm new to town). She was so efficient with that I had given my son a referral. For that she gave me a $10 refund, PLUS 15% off for those over age 65, which brought my grand total for this major procedure to a mere $122.00. I still smile, thinking about that day "in the chair" and pray for Dr Diane Wolter and her staff, hoping they will be around for a good, long time. This is one dentist who is easy-going, extra competent, has a great staff, and is beyond fair in her pricing.
Consumer from New Brighton, MN
May 09, 2019
The hygienist was extremely rough. Caused tears and pain for the 1st time in my life. Will discuss with her prior to my next cleaning